Pig, Cattle, Supplements and SFI Supplements

Pig Products

A medicated, complete pig starter feed that can be fed as early as 20 to 26 days old or 13-17 pounds. Medicated: Carbadox (50 g/ton) Size: 50 lb

A complete swine starter feed. Medicated: Tiamulin Hydrogen Fumarate (35 g/ton) Size: 50 lb VFD Required: Yes

A complete pig pre-starter feed that can be fed to pigs 16 to 22 days old or 11-14 pounds. Medicated: Carbadox (50 g/ton) Size: 50 lb

Pelleted starting feed or great to use later on for plainer hogs with excess condition.

Great start to finish feed option for hogs with enough condition.

Great start to finish feed option with exceptional versatility.

Excellent choice for gilt development and hogs with excess muscle.

Designed for hogs that are extreme in their muscle shape and definition.

Premium sale prep & development option, or to add bulk and mass before target show

A holding feed designed to use if hogs are approaching target weight too quickly.

Utilize this premix for the power of Formula of Champions® in your custom complex rations at 200 pounds per ton!

A supplement formulated for the further manufacture of swine grower feeds. Utilize this premix for the power of Formula of Champions ® in your homemade rations for weaned show pigs 30-70 pounds.

A 100 pounds inclusion base mix formulated for the further manufacture of gilt development, sow gestation and lactation feeds.

Cattle Products

Show Calf Creep is a great way to get calves started on feed pre-weaning. Its protein level and blend of fibrous ingredients will allow growth to their genetic potential before laying on condition. Medicated with Deccox®. When more condition is desired at a younger age, check out Show Cattle Accelerator.

The perfect choice for all calves while creep feeding, weaning, and prospect showing. Start your calves on this high-fiber ration that will put the perfect amount of bloom and dimension on them for sale day! Between Bovatec® and a high level of Opti-Ferm XL® , calves will not skip a beat through the stresses of transition.

Two of the most popular Formula of Champions® feeds joined forces to bring you the ultimate steer-growing feed!! Use the new and improved 1/3 Pro-Grower to maximize your steers’ potential and showring results!

The new and improved Corn Blend! Use this high energy feed to begin finishing your steer and maturing him into a fat steer, while maintaining great body shape and dimension.

A barley-based ration to put a smooth, firm layer of finish on your steer, while keeping him fresh to the touch. Barley Blend makes for a great feed during the summer heat to keep body temperatures lower and stress at a minimum. Ideal for cattle over 1,000 pounds.

The most unique show feed in the industry, Mega Champ® offers the benefits of a barley-based ration, while using the performance of spelts and the inclusion of our premium topdresses. Ideal for cattle over 1,000 pounds. Cattle finished on Mega Champ® will have a fresh look and handle with ultimate dimension, while coasting into their target weight.

A high-fiber, low-energy, complete textured feed to start and grow your heifer while increasing depth and center body dimension without gaining an excess of condition.

Kick it up a notch with the power of spelts! This unique ingredient will add depth of flank and rib-shape while increasing condition. Great for maternal breeds! Guts & Glory® is feeding more champions than any other Formula of Champions® product.

The corn-free, go-to product when your cattle are maxed out on condition and need coasted for a period of time. Use on heifers pushing maximum condition and show steers needing to slow down on gain. Includes our Fill ‘Er Up® pellet.

This high-energy ration will achieve a higher average daily gain on your steer. Ultra Gain is a blend of steam flaked grains, our Show & Glow topdress, an extruded fat nugget, and a high level of fortification. This makes it a great tool for dairy feeders over 300 pounds or to catch up on a steer that is behind on weight.

Add the power of this highly fortified premix to your own grains to create a unique formulation.

These conveniently sized tubs are great for show pens, calving pens, trailer rides, or at the show. Stress tubs have become an important part of every successful program.


Species: Pig

A unique supplement designed to improve muscle expression, back shape, and freshness in modern day show pigs. This blend of premium ingredients will also improve skin and hair condition. In a 25lb bucket! Swine: Top-dress 2-8 ounces per animal twice daily, along with the regular amount of complete show feed.

Species: Beef, Lamb, Goat, Pig

The NEW & IMPROVED Afterburner® is a 51% protein top-dress to burn some fat on your heavily conditioned show stock. Use Afterburner® at variable rates for all species depending on desired results. Now in a 20 lb. bucket Cattle: 0.5-1 lb per day • Sheep/Goat: 0.25-0.5 lb per da Swine: 2-8 oz. per day

Species: Beef, Lamb, Goat, Pig

This mini-pelleted topdress will add showday fill as well as more spring of rib when used on a regular basis. Feed pellets dry and watch the magic work once they hit the moisture inside the digestive tract and expand! Allow 2 to 4 hours for completed showday fill. Cattle: 2-5 lbs per day • Sheep/Goat: .5-1 lb per day • Swine: 1-2 lbs per day

Species: Beef, Lamb, Goat

Hair Magic Plus® will result in a healthier hide, natural shine, and longer, thicker haircoat when genetics allow. This melatonin-free supplement is safe for both market and breeding stock and will have great effects on beef, sheep, and goats. Use Hair Magic Plus® to maximize your show ring appearance and add style and finesse to your show stock. Now in a 30 lb bucket HAIR MAGIC PLUS® HAS A HIGH BLEND OF • Biotin • Vitamin E • Selenium • Yeas Cattle: .25-1 lbs per day • Sheep/Goat: .25-.5 lb per day

Species: Beef, Lamb, Goat, Pig

A high protein, pelleted topdress designed to give your show animal the most ideal muscle expression & firm touch for the show ring, especially through their topline Now in a 35 lb. bucket Cattle: 0.5-1 lbs per day • Sheep/Goat: 0.25-0.5lb per day Swine: 0.5-1 lbs per day

Species: Beef, Lamb, Goat, Pig

An oil-based, high-fat liquid topdress to provide additional calories for animals needing increased daily gain or overall bloom and condition. Start at a low dose and increase slowly! Available in cherry or caramel flavors in a 35lb (5 gallon) bucket. Cattle: 1-2 oz per day • Sheep: 10-30 cc’s per day • Goats: 8-15 cc’s per day • Swine: 2-4 oz per day

Species: Beef, Lamb, Goat, Pig

A milk-based, powdered fat supplement for all classes of livestock. Mix into daily ration for increased bloom, gain, and overall finish. Now in a 15lb bucket Cattle: 4-8 oz per day • Sheep/Goat: 1-2 oz per day • Swine: 2-4 oz per day

Species: Dairy

This high-protein topdress will give your dairy heifer the desired growth at a faster rate, while maintaining her refinement. Medicated with Bovatec®. Dairy: 2-10 lb per day

Species: Beef, Lamb, Goat, Pig

A high-protein, nutrient-dense pellet that provides additional amino acids for growth and feed conversion. Also a great source of omega 3 & 6 to maximize skin and hair quality. Cattle: 0.5-1 lb per day • Sheep/Goat: 0.25-0.5 lb per day • Swine: 0.5 -1 lb per day

SFI Supplements

  • Show Shake is a powerful electrolyte with much more including 3 types of energy.

  • Sugars for quick release and muscle fill.

  • Maltodextrin, a mid stage energy, for the muscle loading period.

  • Fat for long term energy.

  • Show Shake is the only show prep product with fiber to blow up and add extra fill immediately as well as maintaining gut health in stressful situations.

  • Highly palatable and flavorful, can be fed wet or dry or mixed in water.

  • Will not cause animals to “lock up” but will make a visual difference in muscle definition and fill.

  • A flavored blend of milk products and high quality fats to add cover, bloom, and sheen in all the right places.

  • Can be used mixed in ration or as a topdress

  • Super palatable – animals love to eat it!

  • Frosting XL will improve bloom, skin & hair

  • Contains spray dried bypass sweet fats that are highly usable and digestible for ruminants.

  • Will create a smooth finish as well as thick and slick hair coat.

  • Contains buffer to guard against bloat and aid in absorption.

  • Because of Final Cover’s bypass fat and design for ruminants you can feed less and get similar or better results as feeding higher levels of non-ruminant specific fats.

  • Trims front ends, and defines top shape in all species.

  • Naturally gives muscle an enhanced appearance and firm handling WITHOUT tightening joints or limiting mobility.

  • Works at a low inclusion rate: 1-2 oz per head per day

  • Very palatable: animals love the flavor

  • Enzymes stimulate appetite almost immediately

  • Concentrated: use just 10-15ml

  • Load your stock up on Re-Charge prior to heading to the show and show day to keep them going when you need it the most.

  • All-natural supplement to help take the edge off your animal prior to showing.

  • Will not cause your animals to be “dead heads,” just makes them more workable.

  • Start using 12-24 hours before show at the rate of 5cc/100 pounds of body weight.

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Martin's Ag Feed & Landscape Supply

1588 Pinola Road

Shippensburg, PA 17257